Découvrez notre large gamme de solutions de financement et découvrez quelle option correspond le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques

Trouvez le meilleur prêt pour vous

Personal loan

Realize projects of : house, vehicle purchase, wedding, visiting a country and much more

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Deal with unexpected expenses

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Civil servant loan

Long-term loan for rapid financing of your investments

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School loan

An anger-free, stress-free start to the new school year is possible at BANGE BANK CAMEROUN

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Christmas loan

Spend the festive season in peace with our short-term loan

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Flexible and easily accessible, our bank loans meet your individual financing needs

  • Paying for studies abroad
  • Building homes
  • Home improvements
  • Build business capital
  • Anticipate your festive season

Our experienced specialists are here to help you develop your investments

  • Meeting financing needs
  • Competitive rates
  • Flexible repayment terms
  • Fast credit approval times
BANGE BANK CAMEROUN vous accompagne dans tous vos projets, Que vous soyez un salarié, un fonctionnaire, un entrepreneur, nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous aider à financer vos investissements